‘Leo’ is dominating the global box office as the film grossed more than several Hollywood releases in the past few days, and it continues to lead with tremendous responses across locations. In Tamil Nadu, ‘Leo’ has gone housefull in many centers, and the film has reportedly grossed close to Rs 20 crore on the fifth day. The total collection of the film is reportedly Rs 120 crore in the home state, and Vijay’s film is set to become the top-grosser. The worldwide collection of ‘Leo’ stands close to Rs 460 crore at the end of day 5, and the film is set to emerge as the first 500-crore grosser of Vijay.
Vijay’s Leo public review
Directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj, Vijay plays a character of multiple shades in ‘Leo’ and the actor impressed the audience in his role that entirely demonstrates the idea of the director. Trisha, Gautham Menon, Sanjay Dutt, Mathew Thomas, and Sandy shine well in their roles, while Anirudh Ravichander stole the show with his music.