To view the results, students should follow these steps:
- Visit the official NCVT MIS website – ncvtmis.gov.in.
- Navigate to the candidate’s portal section.
- Enter the required login credentials.
- Access the marksheets of the first and second-year ITI exams.
Direct link for NCVT ITI Trainee Marksheet
Direct link for NCVT ITI e-Certificate Verification
However, please note that the ability to download marksheets and certificates from the NCVT MIS portal has been temporarily suspended until September 17, 2023. This action has been taken to accommodate CTS exam-related activities.
Students are advised to visit the portal after the specified date to retrieve their important documents.
NCVT ITI exams are conducted twice a year, as per the schedule issued on the official website. To qualify for the examination, candidates must secure a minimum of 40 per cent marks. The ITI result PDF 2022 contains essential details such as the candidate’s name, scores, section-wise marks, and other relevant information.
ITI courses fall under the Craftsmen Training Scheme established by the Directorate General of Training (DGT) in 1950. These courses are designed to provide vocational training to students and equip them with practical skills in various trades.
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